Ultrasound scan machines use sound waves to produce images of body parts, especially tumour masses or swellings. Scan tests are most popular in pregnancy but are also useful in examining other parts of the body. To a very large extent, ultrasound is safe and harmless.

X-Ray Imaging
Digital X-rays use ionizing radiation to take 2-dimensional pictures of various body parts. Digital X-rays are an improvement on the analogue X-ray technology with resultant higher image definition and faster image processing and reporting time.

A mammogram is an x-ray picture of the breast. It is mostly used for breast cancer screening and breast masses. It is most useful in suspected breast cancer. It is also useful for detecting breast lumps.

CT Scan
CT-Scan is a sophisticated, computerized machine that uses ionizing radiation to produce images of body parts. It is commonly deployed in obtaining the images of the brain, abdomen, backbones, blood pipes, etc. in order to make a more definitive diagnosis.

MRIs are a set of imaging tests that help doctors see into the body of patients without using ionizing radiation – present in X-rays and CT scans. MRI technology is based on the fact that the human body, both within and without has magnetic fields which can define the various body parts. MRI is generally better at assessing soft tissue parts in the human body including joints, muscles, visceral fat, brain, heart, lungs, eyes and so on. It is best used in patients who may have cancer or tendency to cancer when it is desirable to limit exposure to potentially dangerous ionizing radiations.